10 Common Issues with Noise Cancelling Headphones and Solutions


In the ever-evolving landscape of audio technology, noise-cancelling headphones have emerged as a transformative solution for those seeking respite from the cacophony of modern life. These headphones, equipped with advanced Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) technology, promise to create personal sanctuaries of sound by neutralizing intrusive background noises. 

However, like any innovation, noise-cancelling headphones come with their own set of challenges that users may encounter on their quest for auditory serenity. This discussion delves into the ten common issues that individuals might face when using noise-cancelling headphones, offering insightful solutions to navigate these challenges and maximize the benefits of this revolutionary technology. Before we dive in, always check if you are not the one using them wrongly.

In this exploration, we'll journey through the intricacies of noise-cancelling headphones, unraveling issues ranging from discomfort and audio quality concerns to battery life woes and compatibility glitches. We'll delve into the complexities of ANC algorithms, considering scenarios where they might inadvertently impact audio experiences. Whether you're a seasoned audiophile or a curious newcomer to the realm of noise-cancelling technology, this discussion aims to provide practical guidance and solutions for an enhanced listening journey.

As we embark on this quest for sonic tranquility, we'll also address the ongoing advancements in noise-cancelling technology, highlighting how manufacturers are continually refining their products to tackle these issues head-on. From the intricacies of tuning ANC settings to optimizing comfort for extended wear, our exploration will equip you with the knowledge to make informed decisions when choosing and using noise-cancelling headphones.

Join us on a voyage through the auditory realm as we uncover the nuanced challenges and ingenious solutions that define the world of noise-cancelling headphones. Whether you're seeking solace during a long flight, aiming to concentrate in a bustling coffee shop, or simply hoping to immerse yourself in the nuances of your favorite music, this journey promises to be a valuable companion on your quest for a harmonious auditory experience.

  • Distorted or Muffled Sound

Man using ANC headphones

ANC headphones have transformed the listening experience, particularly for those frequently on the move. If your headphones emit distorted or muffled sound, the issue often lies in the ear pads. The ear pads are vital, not just for comfort, but for effective noise cancellation. For those traveling, especially on noisy public transport, this can be a significant drawback. To combat this, ensure they're well-positioned and undamaged. Dirt or wear can affect their integrity. It’s advisable to clean them gently with a soft cloth and, if necessary, consider replacements. Furthermore, if the headphones are wired, inspect the cables for damage or misconnection.

  • Weak or No Noise Cancellation

One of the primary reasons people opt for ANC headphones is the promise of an immersive, noise-free listening experience, crucial during travel or daily commutes on public transport. If noise cancellation is compromised, it could be due to a low battery. Regularly charging your headphones is essential. Moreover, understand the type of noise your headphones are designed to cancel. Most ANC headphones are adept at eliminating consistent, low-frequency sounds. But sudden, sharp noises, like announcements on a train, might still be audible.

  • Buzzing or Hissing Sound

Understanding part of ANC headphones

 The serenity that ANC headphones offer can be disrupted with unexpected buzzing. Interference, especially in densely populated areas or crowded transport, can cause this. Whenever you’re on a bus or train, try moving your device to different positions or switch it off and on again. Also, ensure the headphones are away from other electronic devices. Regular firmware updates can also rectify these electronic glitches.

  • Headphones Not Powering On

Discovering that your headphones won't power on, especially when you're eagerly preparing for a long journey or a relaxing music session, can be immensely disheartening. It's a feeling many of us have experienced and can relate to. The joy of diving into our favorite tunes or podcasts with our trusty headphones is unmatched, and having that suddenly disrupted is a setback.

To ensure this doesn’t happen often, it's crucial to charge your headphones regularly.

 Just like any other electronic device, maintaining a consistent charging routine helps in prolonging the device's life and ensures it’s ready when you need it. Moreover, not just any charger will do; using the correct charger specifically designed for your headphones is essential. Incorrect chargers may not only fail to charge the headphones effectively but can also potentially damage the battery or internal circuitry.

Woman using Srhythm ANC headphones listing to music

For those still using wired headphones, which have their own charm and audio fidelity, there are unique challenges. One of the most common issues with wired headphones is a compromised or damaged cable. Over time, with constant bending, coiling, or tugging, the internal wires of the headphone cable can become frayed or broken, resulting in inconsistent audio or complete failure. In some cases, the problem may not even be visible, as the damage could be internal.

If you find your wired headphones malfunctioning and suspect the cable might be the source of the problem, it's advisable to invest in a high-quality replacement cable. This doesn't just mean going for the most expensive option available, but rather seeking a cable that is known for its durability, compatibility with your headphones, and its ability to transmit sound without compromising quality.

ANC (Active Noise Cancelling) headphones, in particular, can be even more susceptible to power issues, given the additional electronics involved in the noise-cancellation process. Thus, for those with ANC headphones, maintaining their equipment's integrity is paramount. Always remember that a minor investment today in quality accessories or care can save you from significant expenses and inconveniences in the future.

  • Intermittent Bluetooth Connectivity

A consistent connection is essential, particularly when transitioning between transport modes. If your connection drops, ensure you're within the device’s recommended Bluetooth range. Crowded public transport may have numerous devices searching for connections, leading to interference. Re-pairing your device can often rectify this. Also, ensure you have the latest software updates, as these often include connectivity improvements.

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  • Uncomfortable Pressure Sensation

 ANC headphones can sometimes create a pressure sensation. While traveling, this sensation can intensify, especially during take-off or landing if you’re on a plane. Some headphones offer adjustable ANC levels. If yours do, try toggling to a lesser intensity. Remember, taking short breaks can also alleviate this sensation.

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Feedback or Echo

Feedback is often a result of microphone interference. When on public transport or in noisy terminals, this can become more prominent. Regularly check to ensure nothing is obstructing the headphone microphones. Also, toggling the microphone settings or using a windscreen can help reduce feedback when outdoors.

  • Overheating During Extended Use

Like any electronic device, ANC headphones can overheat, especially during prolonged use. This is more pronounced when traveling to warmer climates or if you’re caught under direct sunlight. Allow your headphones to rest periodically and store them in a cool, dry place when not in use.

  • Voice Assistant Activation Issues

oice assistants have rapidly evolved into indispensable companions in our daily lives, transforming the way we interact with our devices and offering a plethora of conveniences. Especially when it comes to enhancing your listening experience, the magic of voice assistants is palpable. Imagine walking through a bustling city, your headphones snugly in place, and without needing to take out your device, you effortlessly request directions, play your favorite track, or even get a brief on the latest news.

Navigating unfamiliar territories can be a daunting task. Whether it's a new city, a maze-like mall, or just a complex transport station, the challenges of finding your way can be manifold. This is where the seamless integration of voice assistants with your headphones becomes a game-changer. With just a simple command, you can get real-time directions, location-based suggestions, or even translations if you’re in a foreign country. This hands-free navigation is not only convenient but also safe, as it ensures that your primary focus remains on your surroundings.

How to activate Siri on Srhythm NC series.

However, sometimes, especially in noisy environments like crowded stations or bustling stops, activating your voice assistant can become a challenge. The cacophony of sounds can drown out your voice, making it difficult for the assistant to pick up your commands. If you find yourself frequently struggling with this, it's vital to ensure that your headphones' settings, especially those related to the voice assistant, are correctly configured. Some headphones, especially ANC (Active Noise Cancelling) headphones, have specialized settings to improve voice command recognition in noisy environments.

Clear, deliberate commands can make a significant difference. Instead of mumbling or speaking too fast, enunciating your words and maintaining a steady voice volume can significantly improve recognition. Moreover, periodic recalibration of your voice assistant, if the feature is available, can further enhance its responsiveness. This recalibration often involves the voice assistant learning the nuances of your voice, accent, and typical commands, adapting over time to serve you better.

Reduced Battery Life

Over time, you might notice your headphones don't last as long between charges. This can be problematic for travelers. Always use the manufacturer-recommended charger and avoid overcharging. With batteries having a finite lifespan, if the problem persists, consult with the manufacturer about a potential battery replacement.